- RGPV Syllabus for III Semester ECE Branch: (click here)
- RGPV Syllabus for V Semester ECE Branch: (click here)
- RGPV Syllabus for VII Semester ECE Branch: (click here)
- TV & RADAR practicals :
Study of the circuit
discription of RF- Section of a Black and White TV (Tuner section)
RF-Section (Tuner
The RF-section is mainly consisting of RF tuner. This tuner
has RF amplifier, a mixer and a local oscillator.
The anteena receives the radio
frequency (RF) waves from the atmosphere and converts them into corresponding
signal variations. These RF variations are fed to RF tunner. The input impedance
of RF tuner is 75 Ohms. The antenna system and co-axial cable should be
properly matched. If a co-axial cable of 75 Ohms impedance is employed , their
is no need of any extra matching device between cable and antenna socket at the
reciever. But in case of a feeder wire 300 Ohms is employed and then inmpedence
matching transformer (300-75 Ohms) is added between feeder and antenna socket
at the receiver. Their is also a need of impedance matching between output
terminals of antenna and co-xial cable or feeder wire. The RF tuner selects the
signal of the desired channel amplifies it and converts in to intermediate
frequencies (IF). The video IF is at 38.9 MHz and sound IF is at 33.4 MHz.
Tuner selection has +12V
approximately supply voltage at TP6 (MB). This voltage is used for all the
operations in this section +12V is provided from horizontal output section.
Transistors Q901, Q902, Q903 are used to selecting the desired band from tuner
section. To switch on these transistors appoximately 10.8 V is provided at their
base. Output is obtained at IF terminals (TP14). AGC voltage (2.8 V
approximately) is obtained from pin 11 of IC 8303. This voltage is used for
automatic gain controlling purpose. AFT/AFC voltage is provided from pin 18 of
IC8303. It is available at TP13. Tuning purpose output from system comtroll IC
is fed into the base of transistor Q904 (2369). Which switch on the transistor
and so tuning voltage is 0-33V approximately is obtained at TV terminal (TP8).
Following are the various
terminal of RF tuner which are provided in the form of tet ponit (TP) in our
trainer kit.
BU: The system
control IC provides the UHF band selection voltage. This voltage switch ‘On’
the transistor, hence UHF band is selected.
VH: VH band III
selection voltage available from system control IC through switching transistor
at HB pin.
LV: VHF band I selection voltage
available at LB pin from system control IC through switching transistor.
VT: Channel
selection voltage is available at this pin through transistor. It is varying
from 0-33V during channel selection.
AGC: Automatic
Gain Control voltage is available at this pin from IC 8303.
AFT: Automatic
Fine Tuning voltage is available at this pin from IC 8303.
MB: It is tuner
sections Power Supply pin. Here 12 volts approximately is available.
IF: Intermediate frequency
output signal from tuner is available at IF pin.
Experiment 2.
To Study the Fault Simulation and Step-by-Step Fault Finding Procedure for RF Section.
Experiment 3
To Observe the Horizontal Oscillator section through Various Test Point
Experiments 4